DBHS Athletic Location and Van Reservation System


To streamline the reservation of Dobyns-Bennett High School athletic facilities and transportation, we are transitioning to a new online process that will replace the old method that has been previously used.  You will no longer need to call or visit the activities office to check a paper calendar for reservation availability. The athletics office will now be using Google Calendars to manage all resources reservations.


Information below (and in this document) will explain how to:

  • Check on the availability of a D-B location or activities van
  • Reserve a D-B location or activities van 


The athletics office will begin using this system immediately.  If you have questions regarding this new process, please call x8580 for assistance.

Below are procedures that will be used to view the status and reserve the following locations/vans at D-B:



Dome - Large Gym

Maroon 1730

Dome - Small Gym

White 1974

Alumni Room(Field House)

Red 2028

J Fred Johnson Stadium- Football

Tan 2077

J Fred Johnson Stadium- Baseball

Silver 2125

Soccer Field

Blue 2249

Indoor Soccer Building

White 2366

Hitting Building- Baseball

Charcoal 2459

Tennis Courts

Mini Bus

Softball Field

Activities Bus



Practice Football Field


Swimming Pool


Dome Lobby


The D-B Activities Office coordinates these reservations and will oversee and approve all requests that are submitted via a Google Calendar event.  Google Calendar is included in your access to your K12K email account. It is here that you will request a reservation.  The process to reserve a location or van will function in the same basic way as when you enter an item/event on your own google calendar.  Simply go to calendar.google.com to access your K12K calendar. Once there, you can click on the "Create" button to create an event for a reservation.

  • Sign into your G Suite and open your Google Calendar.
  • On the left-side menu, click the + symbol next to “Other calendars.”
Other Calendars
  • Select “Browse Resources” from the pop-up menu
Browse Resources
  • Select the DB drop down menu.
    • You may then click the check-box for any D-B item that you wish to have access to view.  The athletics location and vans begin with the code “DB-G0” code.
  • Once you have selected the items you wish to view, you will then have the ability to select that item to overlay on your own Google Calendar whenever you wish.  For instance, choosing the check-boxes for all vans on your left-side calendar menu will allow you to see when vans are being utilized by other staff, or if there are empty slots available for you to schedule.
  • While in your Google Calendar, click the “+Create” button (on the upper left of the screen) as you would to create an event on your calendar. 
  • Add a title, date, time for your event and add guests’ email addresses and a description of your event.
Add Title
  • Select the “More options” button at the bottom of the pop-up window.
  • To check on availability or select a specific location/van, click on “Rooms” on the right side of the screen.
    • Click on the DB dropdown arrow, which will then display all available locations/vans for the date and time you have selected (as long as the “Available rooms only” filter is selected above the room list).  Select the item you wish to reserve.
    • This function operates in the same manner as if you are selecting a specific room for a meeting.  It’s just in this case, you are holding your “meeting” in an athletic location or van.
  • Click the blue "Save" button to save your event. The event will show up on your K12K calendar as well as the resource approver's calendar. The resource approver will have the ability to approve, mark as tentative, or deny your request. When the approver selects a status, you will receive an email notification indicating if the resource has been approved, marked as tentative, or denied. 
If you have any questions, please feel free to submit a help desk ticket by sending an email to [email protected] or by logging into k12k.incidentiq.com.